Well, Selah won't stop growing despite my best efforts. She is holding her head up a LOT and LAUGHED for the first time last week, at a stranger, of course. Since then, she has laughed at Opa (don't we all), but has yet to laugh for her beloved parents, who, might I add, feed her, cloth her, change her poopy diapers and love her more than life. Is it too much to ask for a little chuckle from your 3 month old? I mean really. Well, hopefully I will have more to report on that in the next month.
In other news, I have been cooking a LOT(quite well I might add). I wrote many of you for recipes and you were gracious enough to actually respond. I have set menus for the week, shopped for the ingredients and have made some delicious delectables. Hence, the picture of the cooking chicken...it tasted better than it looks, I promise. I also have been preparing to have guests over and want to make our place a little more welcoming. What could be more welcoming than a bed sheet on your table with a cut up scarf for placemats. Eat your heart out Divine Design. Hey, it was free and doesn't look half bad, I just hope my guests don't ask questions at what I put on the toilet paper roll. We live on a tight budget, emphasis on tight. It's been pretty fun rumaging through old clothes and b
I tried to get some cute pics of Selah in her pretty purple dress (that is size 6 months, mind you), but it was to no avail...well, one turned out ok. She has started talking really LOUD so I have been putting my hand over her mouth and patting it so she sounds very silly. Needless to say, it doesn't help. I can't tell if she is trying to sing or if she is just trying to tell me that she needs her cloth diaper changed. I think I will figure it out by the time she is thirteen.
The last picture I will put on is one that Rodney took on his hike (yes, I said hike). He and a friend went hiking up to Laurel Falls, a beautifully remote area 1.3 miles into the Great Smokey Mountains. However, they took more pictures of trees and water than I know what to do with. Apparently his friend is Ansel Adams; he knew how to use my camera better than I did.
The Coe life seems to be moving faster and faster, I wake up on Monday and I swear Friday comes along and hits me in the back of the head (I've gotta find a helmet). Our newest prayer request are nice chairs for cheap, so when we invite guests over they don't have to stand at our table. And I already asked Rodney if we could just cut the sofa in half and he said no. However, God did provide for us recently when Rodney realized that he was driving illegally. His birthday just passed which meant his license expired. With literally $23 in the bank we went to the bureau praying for favor. After I wrote the check for $16 I thanked God for being gracious and going before us like always.
"You are the God of the broken, the friend of the weak. You wash the feet of the weary, embrace the ones in need. I want to be like you, Jesus, to have this heart in me. You are the God of the humble, You are the Humble King."