I started babysitting a friend's daughter a few hours a week which has helped with generating a few extra dollars during the week. I had just prayed that God would bring a friend into Selah's life so that she could get more peer interaction and low and behold that next Sunday at church someone asked me to babysit for them...God is so cool. Selah loves it; she follows her new friend around everywhere she goes, it's pretty cute.
Selah had her first fever...104 degrees Farenheit...needless to say, her father and I were not too happy about it and took her to the ER. I know, new parent syndrome! It was pretty scary for us, but with Oma's help and a little TLC she was back to her old tricks within a few days. Meanwhile, Rodney and I enjoyed a little more lovin than usual...she was a LOT more cuddly than normal:)
I decided to host a bible study at my house, so that I could actually go and Selah could sleep. Mom has helped me with it A LOT and people have said that my table looks like a picture in Better Home and Gardens magazine...I thought that was quite a compliment...I give all credit to my wonderful mother. We are going through the workbook "Seeking Him," by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and I recommend it for anyone! Through it, I am getting to know more ladies at our church, which we really love, by the way. God has answered sooo many prayers in that area, it fills my heart with appreciation for such a loving Father.
Rodney continues to love his job even after over 250 shows! Wow, he says that lots of people try to break him onstage all the time so he has to really try to be angry so that he doesn't laugh. One time he actually poked himself with a sewing pin so that he would stop laughing. He loves the other cast members and has made some true lifelong friends along the way...who knew that could happen in theater. I have had to laugh at the fact that God has supplied all our needs with an actor's salary!!!!Who knew that was possible! It has been great to trust Him in that area and see Him supply our needs...we have also had the privelge of seeing Him provide for so many at the theater through the generosity of all the other cast members.
We have survived many HOT ROD RUNS here in Pigeon Forge, but our busiest time is upon us...OCTOBER! Yikes, we have heard that you just don't go out on the parkway because it is sooo jam packed, but we will have to see for ourselves.
Update on Selah: I took her to the doctor for her 9 month check up, yeah can you believe it!? She is 19 pounds and 30 inches, I thought that sounded okay. She seems to eat more and more on a daily basis...if Rodney or I are eating anything, she crawls over as fast as her chubby little legs will allow so that she can use her one sign "more" in order to get some food. She is pretty fast nowadays!