Well, time is just flying by right now as Selah gets older and bigger. I can't believe that in a week she will be a half of a year old...woah. We have had some fun visits from Rodney's family and from my big sista. I FINALLY got a picture of Rodney as Satan...I like the picture of Jesus, Selah, and Satan...it reminds me of the fight Selah is going to have from now until the day she goes to be with Jesus. I will, of course, help her learn how to fight and the tools that God has given us to fight with, but at some point she will be on her own in utilizing the tools and using them to defeat the enemy in her own life. I pray that I will help her to stand strong, her opponent is seasoned and ready for battle if she remains in a relationship with the Father.
Rodney's niece, Kimberly, came and saw the show and I think Rodney tried to scare her by staying in character after the show, but she knew that her big uncle just needed a swift kick in the pants to change his frame of mind...METHOD ACTORS!
We did start Selah on some yummy food and she is eating up like crazy! You'd think she wasn't a chunky monkey already, but she is loving her pears, peaches, carrots, rice cereal, etc. I am trying my best to be a Super Baby Food Momma, but it isn't always easy. Oma has such yummy stuff at her house sometimes, she tells me she would rather go there instead.
Our newest adventure has been to go to the pool...I will get pics for that next time. Since it has been 97 here with about 100% humidity, we decided it was time to head to the pool for a little dip. Well, Selah LOVED it. She just splashes around like it's a BIG bathtub. Daddy and Selah both love water so they will be going to the pool quite a lot, I am sure.
Daddy is doing well, he is still enjoying being Caiaphas. I saw the show recently and the microphone didn't turn on for another character during a song and Rodney ended up singing it...what a guy! He, of course has been FISHING lately a lot. I am doing VBS for the next week from 9-12pm and he said that he was SO SAD and that he might just HAVE to go fishing everyday during that time.
He has lost 40 pounds of flab since we moved here and looks great. Some other people have also been losing weight too, so they have been passing shorts around...Rodney put on some 34's and gave his 38's to a guy who used to wear 42's...it's like everyone is a shrinky dink and they are in a HOT OVEN...crazy. Now, he is trying to get the rest of his body to look more svelt.
Mommy, is still enjoying being a mommy. I have been looking for jobs that would allow Selah and I to be together, but just for extra cash. If nothing pans out, I won't be sad. But I enjoy being with Selah and watching her grow and develop each day. My mom and I think we will try our luck at sewing...so I am starting with placemats...something simple and yet I hope to feel a sense of accomplishment once it's done. That is the news with the COES. Check back next time when Selah will strut her stuff in her bathing suit!
"....for without Me, you can do NOTHING." John 15