Rodney finally played Lucifer last week, I will put pictures up soon. He did awesome. Some people came up to me and said it was the best Lucifer they had ever seen (what a blessing). He was evil, mean, rude, and just a big jerk...he played him so well people booed him at the end. Which is actually the response he was going for because one day when we were walking around some guy said that the Lucifer was so good that he wanted to root for him and not Jesus. Well, that certainly wasn't the case with Rodney. He spit on Jesus, but got permission first and leaned on the cross while Jesus was being crucified. Watching him fly was probably the best part...he gets to wear these awesome wings and fly out over the audience in the beginning of the cool.
So I have started letting Selah suck on some apple slices and it she really likes it. However, it also seems to be releasing the beast within whenever I take them away. Wow, the girl can yell something fierce.
Yesterday, we went to this place called Parrot Mountain. It was really cool. It is like a bird sanctuary for Macaws and other exotic type birds. They let you feed them and pet them (at your own risk). It is possible that you might find yourself peed on or bit by one of the many exotic birds. If your lucky they might even land on you. The best part is where the baby birds are hidden. You get to go and pet them and play with them, although it is rather sad that they are not with their parents now that I think about it. Because this is the south and it they seem to be cooler with Jesus than they are in the northern area, there are verses written all over the place and the 10 commandments are just placed where everyone can see, talk about cool. There is also a replica of Jesus' tomb and a statue of Jesus with the verse, "Come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest..." from Matthew. What a marvelous treat it was...however, those birds are SOOOO loud I can't imagine how people can own them. They live just as long as you do, if not longer and they talk and screech more than a child (well, maybe they are comparable to a child). At least a child tells you they love you and they mean it, the bird just tells you what you want to hear.
We also went to Davy Crockett's Putt Putt and Rodney beat me by 5 points (he wanted me to add that in so everyone could hear what a rock star Putt Putter he is).
Our pool is opening at our apartment building and I bought Selah her first floating device that has its own canopy. I can't wait to use it, but I am not sure when would be a good time to get her cute little body full of chlorine. She loves the water and I know she would love to be in the pool. If you have any suggestions, I would be grateful.
Selah just became a cousin for the 18th time. My parents have 19 grandchildren and have 2 more on the way from my other 2 sisters, ya crazy, huh? Her name is Madeline Grace and she was 9lbs 10oz. My sister is amazing, she looks like a sumo wrestler, but beautiful. I can't wait until Selah can meet her and the other ones yet to be born.
Life in TN just gets more and more exciting. I have been entertaining Rodney's friends from the Miracle two by two. It has been lots of fun getting to know people
"Seek the Lord, whild He may be found, call upon Him while He is near." Isaiah 55:6